Saturday, November 29, 2014

PNA Winter Festival! December 6 and 7

See you at the PNA Winter Fest!  We will be in the center of Room 5, which is upstairs in the festive Blue Building.  Hope to see you for the entertainment, community, food, and local craft vendors.  It is a fun show and the highlight of the Phinney holiday season!  


  1. Are you still making these? I'm still using the pink and blue ones you made me. I was given some hand crocheted washcloth potholders, made by my step-mother's mother. Although hers are sentimental, I prefer yours as more practical and useful. Thank you so much.

  2. YES! I have a boatload of them at the moment to get ready for my sale in December. I can send some pictures if I knew what colors you prefer.
